
Imagine your favorite location becoming the setting for a love romance, suspense, action, superhero, or science fiction film. In the near future, a movie will be filmed there, and the location will become a successful example of location tourism.

Here's what we're searching for:

Explore New Film Spots Embark on a quest to discover uncharted territories for filmmakers. Guide us to unseen places, unveiling Japan's endless potential for unique and unforgettable film settings. However, always remember to comply with laws and regulations!

Uncover Hidden Treasures Reveal a secret location in Japan that filmmakers would instantly recognize as a diamond in the rough. Lead us off the beaten path and showcase a spot waiting to be immortalized on the silver screen.

Embrace the Unconventional Do you know of a unique and undiscovered location that would leave us spellbound? We want to be captivated by the extraordinary, the offbeat, and the unconventional.

Beyond Tourist Attractions Forget the typical tourist scenes. We want you to delve deeper and reveal something truly remarkable about Japan—something that will surprise and delight us in unexpected ways.

Visual Marvels Create a visual spectacle—select a location that captivates without words. Capture Japan's essence with its mesmerizing landscapes, vibrant colors, and breathtaking vistas.

So, grab your smartphone, unleash your creativity, and transport us to Japan's next secret filming location! Unlock the cinematic potential and showcase hidden gems to the world.

Here is some information that will help with your filming.